
For a data center that adapts to any situation

30 years of experience

About Cybernode

Ideal for a high efficiency data center requiring mobility.

Easily transportable (land-sea) and reusable after use, our container offers allow flexible and non-permanent installations in emergency or punctual situations.

This option will ensure continuity of service during the renovation of your existing infrastructure for example.

A turnkey datacenter

Building a data center often depends on the availability of space and heavy budgets. Performance can then be degraded. Listening to you and understanding your needs is in our DNA. This is our added value. Meeting your functional and budgetary constraints is easy for us, because each of our offers is different from the others. They are tailored to your requirements. Entrusting our experts with all the steps of your project will relieve you of all the heaviness of the necessary work.

Local accommodation

A modern datacenter must meet the requirements of mobility. Our Cybernode range offers the flexibility of a room that can be transported at will, as in the case of heavy renovation work. The CNotes embedded in cybernode will then offer you the modular hosting space necessary for your continuity of services without depending on the constraints linked to the availability of land.

Our Cybernodes are secure

Mobility is the key point of our Cybernodes. Our cybernodes are in the format of standard maritime containers, so they can be moved by road and sea.

Local data center

A modern datacenter must meet the requirements of mobility. Our Cybernode range offers the flexibility of a transportable hosting room at as for example in the case of heavy rehabilitation works of local. The on-board computers in cybernode will then offer you the space of flexible hosting necessary for your continuity of services without depending on the constraints related to the availability of land.

Why use the Cybernode?

// An agile and economical datacenter to adapt to all your hosting needs.

Access security

Our Cybernodes will integrate an access control system that will guarantee the same performance as an in-building datacenter.

Environmental safety

Our Cybernodes are equipped with a fire safety system, which will be connected to the general control room of the site where it is located.


Maritime size container, easily transportable.

Mobile Backup

Our Cybernodes are the ideal solution for disaster recovery and business continuity.

Emergency system

Our cybernodes are equipped with some of the most efficient thermal insulation systems.


Mobility is also the possibility to customize the cybernodes that will be delivered to you on demand.

Nullam urna scelerisque

The companies we work with

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Tristique in quisque pulvinar molestie. Ut malesuada pulvinar est phasellus suspendisse augue eu.

Discover all our models Mobility solution in container

Ideal for a high efficiency data center requiring mobility. Easily transportable (land-sea) and reusable after use, our containerized offers allow for flexible and non-permanent installations in emergency situations, continuity of service during the renovation of existing infrastructures. In addition, the colors and formats are adaptable to you. From 10′ to 20′ or even 40′ there will always be a CyberNode solution to help you.


Methodology, how does it work?

// In this period where it becomes essential to calibrate its projects, we take the commitment to offer accommodation that will scrupulously adapt to your expectations.

Les commentaires de nos clients

Technologie Dive IT

DiveIT, listening to you

// Do not hesitate to contact us


81, rue du traité de Rome 84911 AVIGNON Cedex 9
+33 (0)623501461


20, place du général de Gaulle, 97460 Saint Paul
+262 (0)692706867


Osi 52-54, 08034 Barcelona
+34 (0)722654834

Latin America

Oficina Comercial Basilio Pereira de la Luz, 1080 Montevideo - Uruguay
+589 26285072

La modularité comme modèle.

Qu’il s’agisse d’un projet de centre de traitement de données de nouvelle génération, de l’extension d’une infrastructure existante, d’un besoin de back-up, d’edge-computing ou de blockchain, nous pourrons toujours vous offrir et concevoir une solution évolutive adaptée à votre projet qui grandira en même temps que vous.





Nombre de baies1112
Nombre de U utiles (Immergés + secs)12+125+250+42*25+4
Nombre d'unités de refroidissement (UDR)111Nombre de 1
Capacité de refroidissement20 kW50 kW100 kW50 kW
Spécifications électriques (options)380/415 Vac 50/60 Hz 32 Amps, 63 Amps and 125 Amps
Consommation électrique1000 W1250 W2200 W1250 W
PUE estimé~ 1.05~ 1.03~ 1.02~ 1.03
RedondanceDeux pompes asservies
Dimensions des baies (L/h/l)134x140x91 cm134x140x91 cm275x140x91 cm268x140x91 cm
Dimensions des UDR (Uh/I)60x140x91 cm60x140x91 cm75x140x91 cm60x140x91 cm
Charge au sol575 kg/m2595 kg/m2645 kg/m2700 kg/m2
Caractéristiques de l'eauTempérature d'entrée de 5 à 32’C / 41 to 89°F. Eau réfrigérée recommandée au-delà 25 ’C / 7Tf
Options finales de traitement de la chaleur produiteBoucle d'eau réfrigérée, aéro-réfrigérant, tour adiabatique, aérogénérateur, thermalisme, raccordement à un réseau d'eau domestique collectif, serres agricoles, usines de récupération de méthane, piscines chauffées
DCIM (Supervision)DCIM intégré DiveIT control
ProtocolesSNMP, Modbus...
AlarmesConfigurables : emails / SNMP traps / SMS.
Monitoring environnementalTempérature de l'eau et du fluide, pression, état des pompes, niveau du fluide...

Modularity as a model.

Whether it’s a next-generation data center project, an extension of an existing infrastructure, a need for back-up, edge-computing or blockchain, we will always be able to offer and design a scalable solution for your project that will grow with you.





Numbers of racks1112
Useful U (Immerged + dry)12+125+250+42*25+4
Number of cooling units (UDR)1111
Cooling capacity20 kW50 kW100 kW50 kW
Power requirements380/415 Vac 50/60 Hz 32 Amps, 63 Amps and 125 Amps
Power consumption1000 W1250 W2200 W1250 W
PUE (estimated)~ 1.05~ 1.03~ 1.02~ 1.03
RedundancyTwo liquids pumps
Rack dimension (WxHxD)134x140x91 cm134x140x91 cm275x140x91 cm268x140x91 cm
Cooling Unit (UDR) dimensions60x140x91 cm60x140x91 cm75x140x91 cm60x140x91 cm
Floor loading575 kg/m2595 kg/m2645 kg/m2700 kg/m2
Water supplied outlet estimatedWater inlet temperature 5 to 32°C / 41 to 89°F. Recommended water inlet temperature above 25°C / 77°F
Final heat rejections optionsWater-loop, aero-coolers, adiabatic tower, thermalism, connection to the domestic network
DCIM Integrated DCIM
AlarmsConfigurable : SNMP traps
Environmental monitoringWater and ITCoolant temperature, pressure, pumps level, fluid level and flow
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